Friday, April 03, 2009

Michelle's Insolence

Sparkles for day-wear is just part of it

What is this?! Sequins, argyle, asymmetry, pearls, a tank top/t-shirt,
turquoise/teal mix, buttons on the back.
This is the aesthetic sense of a truly clueless woman.

While watching Michelle Obama's fashion choices this week, I have concluded that she doesn't have a stylist, or if she does, she bypasses his advice.

Her choices are bizarre and idiosyncratic. Sweaters are too small and the buttons look like they will pop off any minute. Skirts are too tight or too billowy. Shoes are too flat (so what if she's tall, heels are more elegant.) Sparkles on day-clothes instead of cocktail-wear. Boring black with a t-shirt under her (shrunken) sweater for tea with the Queen. Tube tops with too-tight pencil skirts. Gaudy print dresses with non-matching overcoats.

I think Michelle Obama is just doing what she wants. Pretending to be a simple J.Crew kind of woman, when in fact she wears designer and non-designer clothes in much of her attire. And she has not really consulted the great stylists of Presidents' wives, let alone what Jackie Kennedy wore to really and truly "wow" the French, and this just exacerbates her stunning lack of style.

We will be subjected to at least three more years of crass, unfashionable, unaesthetic choices, with crowds unanimously declaring her as a fashion icon, not daring to whisper that there might be something wrong there.

Not that I really care. Ever since she came out with her bizarre choices during the Democratic National Convention, I realized that this isn't someone worth looking at for fashion sense, or any sense at all.

What makes me truly irritated, though, is her insolence. That she really thinks it's OK to wear the litany of clothes that I described above. This is not First Lady material. And people are going to have to see quick, through their glazed eyes, and realize that the "Empress" is not what she's been made out to be.