Sunday, April 05, 2009

Michelle's Inelegance Exposed

By Prague's First Lady

Left: Michelle Obama walks with Livia Klausova, wife of
Czech President Vaclav Klaus visit St. Vitu's Cathedral in Prague
Right: Listening to a guide during a visit of the Pinka's Synagogue

Here it is again, the Michelle Fashion Machine. I will deconstruct it, for all it's worth.

She is in Prague now (Saturday April 4, and Sunday April 5) a cultured, sophisticated, European city. And this is what she gave them!

- Flats again
- Shirt untucked, which looks like some cheap, wrinkly cotton
- Plain (too plain) black skirt
- A shapeless overcoat - looks like a sweater coat!
- A Bow? A really big bow (is it to reinforce Obama's...BOW?).

Look at how elegant Livia Klausova looks; the coat, the suit with details on the jacket, the handbag - why doesn't Michelle ever carry a handbag? - the superior design of the string of pearls, the lovely pale pink/gray color, the gray fur trimmings, all beautifully coordinated.


Here it is! That sweater again! But what style, what variation, what fashion.

No more buttons, let's just do the "too-small-look" and really go for it. Make it buttonless (a new Michelle invention, this), and add a plastic belt with plastic studs to really make it avant-garde - or whatever fashionistas call really outrageous designs.

There, I've been vindicated. No longer necessary to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Michelle has truly arrived.