Saturday, June 09, 2012

The Fetish of White Men: Asian Women

CBS boss, Les Moonves' fetish?

I've written quite a bit these days about the white male/Asian (Chinese, Korean) female coupling. I'm still trying to figure it out. Part of the reason behind this type of coupling, is of course, the feminist white women, who don't take sex roles seriously, and in fact are dismantling and destroying it, along with their marriages.

(One interesting outcome of this is that I'm seeing more white women with Asian - Chinese - men, which is odd since Chinese men are much less likely to be feminized, feminist men. Perhaps white women are rebelling against their less-than-macho white male partners, who insist on equality, and hence lose the trust and respect of their women and wives. I think all women want men to lead them, however strongly they may seem to oppose this. In any case, Chinese men will be much harsher - if social history is any indication - than white men, and white women don't know what kind of bargain they have settled for.)

Back to Chinese women and white men. I often find that people who deviate strongly from their background (family, race, ethnicity, and even nationality) have some kind of traumatized earlier experience.

Here is what I found for fetishism under Wikipedia:
Early psychology assumed that fetishism either is being conditioned or imprinted or the result of a strong emotional (e.g., traumatic) or physical experience.
Here is what a Psychology Today article says:
The term "fetishism" was coined in the late 1800s. It originates from the Portuguese word feitico, which means "obsessive fascination".
My running theory is that white men are rebelling against some trauma in their earlier childhood: absent (working) mothers; feminized, soft fathers; greater importance on girls' performances than boys' in schools; and a general effacement of the masculine in the society all around them.

Asian women, in their greater femininity (but I think that is part of their method of entrapment, since they too are fleeing some kind of trauma - the difficult immigrant childhood, harsh fathers and "dragon" mothers, their own men who are not as "sensitive" as the white men around them, etc.), attract these bereft white men, who are looking for the soft, feminine partner/wife/girlfriend.

But, since Asian women are so alien, in looks, personalities and behaviors, from the best of their white women folk, they are like some kind of fetish to white men. But what is it exactly that is the focus of the fetish? Their eyes, of course. Here is another site describing "animate" fetishes:
Feet, hair, butts, breasts, and all that good stuff are also considered fetishes, but since these objects are human, they're called "animate" fetishes.
This same site talks more about feet and hands fetishes (look at fetish #6).

The "soft, feminine partner/wife/girlfriend" that white men are looking for may actually not exist in the Asian female. This is anecdotal, but in recent months, I have been surprised at the number (three or four) arguments I have witnessed between Asian women and white men (presumably they are couples). From my experience with Asians, I find that they have a high tolerance level, but there is a point where the limits of that tolerance is crossed (often irrationally, to the "victim"), and something snaps. This could manifest itself in some irrational unkindness (neglect), or a sudden, unexpected harsh words, etc. But since this behavior is sporadic and infrequent, it can be attributed to some kind of circumstantial episode (lack of sleep, worries on the job, etc.).

I wonder what long term relationships will show, statistically? I'm still trying to figure out the divorce rate of white men/Asian female marriages. Like I said, since Asian female tolerance level is high, and appeasement tactics by Asian females are well developed, marriage break downs may well be low, although the happiness and contentment of the married life (as experienced by the naive white male) may be lower than with other couples.

Although this post is dealing exclusively with the life of couples, I think such unions, and the offspring that come out of these unions, have profound implications for Western society and culture. I will be working on those potential consequences over time on this blog. One thing that I do observe is a lowering of quality (not quite the effacement of quality, but its lowering) when Asians and white/Asians are at the helms of institutions (research, marketing, creative, artistic, etc.).

One other observation is the number of Asian women I'm seeing with Arab, black or Hispanic men these days. I'm not sure why this is, but it could be a search for the most powerful man around (is it power, manifested through income, physical strength, or simply charm, the fetish that drives Asian women in search of non-Asian mates?). What is the fetish that sends these non-white men to search for Asian women?

I will try to answer these over time, so stay tuned...