Friday, June 08, 2012

When the Going Gets Tough, Just Stick Post-Its

Post-Its at the Eaton Center
[Photo by KPA]

I took the above photo of the Eaton Centre entrance earlier today, because I was curious to see all those "notes" stuck on the entrance by concerned Torontonians about the recent gang-related murder that occurred in the downstairs food court.

What a pathetic site. I didn't bother to read any of the "notes" as I took the photo, but it is clear that people took this "effort" seriously. People who, I would wager, wouldn't even want to bring up the race of the killer and the targeted victim (both black), during whose melee other innocent bystanders also died or were injured.

Rather than confront the issue of racial warfare, and its spillover into the rest of society right in the middle of the city, which means addressing black criminality, these "concerned" citizens resort to notes on yellow squares.

Here are a couple of especially original ones: