Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Trying To Look Like a Movie Star in the Era of Ugly T.V.

Sofia Vergara resembling a 1930s Hollywood star
at the 2012 Emmys, but cast in a sordid 2012 telvision series

Actresses want to look good, and generally come out at awards shows putting on all the glamor. The Emmys that were on last night are no different. But the T.V. shows these actresses represent have none of the beauty or glamor. They are horror stories, gory and bloody detective mysteries, "subversive" social commentaries where homosexuals and lesbians dominate, and such sexually explicit material that the storyline becomes irrelevant.

Here is a link to the costumes worn by the competing actresses.

And below is a short list of the nominated and winning T.V. shows:

- Modern Family (homosexuals, transnational adoption, divorce, a multi-racial couple, single mothers)
- American Horror Story (a family with an adultrous father moves into a haunted house.)
- Katty Griffin: Tired Hooker
- Mad Men (adulterers)
- Damages (a ruthless, cunning, manipulative, female lawyer)
- The Good Wife (a show inspired by Eliot Spitzer's sex scandal)
- Homeland (a female Amercan military officer turned terrorist)
- Game of Thrones ( "sexual ambiguity," magic, civil war, incest)
- New Girl (a young woman moves into an apartment with three young men)
- House of Lies (cutthroat consultant using any means possible to get the job done)