I always wonder what happens (or what will happen) to the children of a publicly "out" parent.
Well here's Cynthia Nixon's daughter from her "partnership" to Danny Mozes. Until she left him for another woman, whom she "married" at a gay rights rally. Funny, Nixon never felt the urge to marry her male "partner" and father of her three children, but goes all out with an ugly woman. Nixon is the ugly one in the Sex and the City mega-hit - here's a blog post I wrote on her.
Sarah Jessica Parker, the star of Sex and the City is no beauty herself, but she knows how to put on the glamor and look feminine, and in "real life" too, unless she's being a drab NYC (of all places!) mom. Children are susceptible to drabness, and ugliness.
Parker will be responsible for how the young boy grows, and how he relives her bad examples.
The weird thing is Nixon's daughter looks like the "wife," or is it the other way around? What strange new Freudian subtexts we will be encountering, with the perversions of modern people, whch even Freud couldn't have imagined.
Nixon with her family. The children are hers from her male partner of fifteen years, whom she left for a lesbian relationship with Marinoni. Nixon and Marinoni now have a young son, about two years old. Marinoni is the one who carried the child, and gave birth to it. I cannot find how this happened, but everything points to in vitro fertilization.