Eventually, this family will grow considerably.
And the "Canadian-born" children will pine after
a country - Indian - which they never knew, but
which they cannot separate themselves from.
Such is the multicultural invasion that is
occurring in Canada.
The story behind this photo is here.
I've written before about a changing Canada, a really transforming Canada, where almost everyone I walk by in the streets, in the malls, in the restaurants, is a non-white, Chinese or Indian (there are actually very few blacks in the major city centers, since most blacks stay in their neighborhoods either in the northern part of the city or in the Scarborough township of the Greater Toronto Area. Plus, there are much fewer blacks compared to other non-whites in Canada).
Yesterday, I was in my local Walmart. I like Walmart. It is a store established for cheaper goods, and even has a reasonably good grocery. Many of the products are Chinese made, but right now we have to survive, and boycotting Chinese goods will come with time (I can assure you).
I notice that these Chinese and Indian immigrants have no real etiquette. They talk really loudly, walk around in large groups taking up whole sidewalks, have no consideration for "side walk" etiquette of moving aside as someone comes towards them. And the men have no courtesy toward women.
Yesterday, I refused to cede my "path" to an approaching Indian man, as usual. He walked right into me. I just kept walking on.
The man ran after me with, "You stupid woman!" He had a distinct Indian accent. I turned around and said, automatically, "You stupid man!" He was red-hot furious, and lunged towards me as though to attack me. I was standing in line by then, and just turned around away from him.
In a flash, he realized what he was doing. Did he really want a scuffle in Walmart? I was clearly standing there ready for his confrontation. He skidded into a halt, stood for half a second watching me, then went about his way.
I've said before that we are going to have to do a lot of fighting as we figure out what to do with this invasion of Indians and Chinese "immigrants" who have no intention of assimilating, and are working now decidedly to change the country and culture to their advantage.
One obvious strategy is of course to reduce all immigration into Canada, including the so-called "education" and "economic" immigration, where candidates are accepted by the amount of financial investment they bring with them, and the level of education they have acquired. This should be strictly kept with Asian immigrants (Indian and Chinese), who seem to be the highest applicants for this kind of immigration, and less so for European immigrants (British, and even Polish and Russian). Refugees from Africa and Latin America can be accommodated in nearby countries (Somali refugees in Kenya or Ethiopia for example), and eventually returned to their countries of origin when war and other crisis situations have subsided.
How about the ones already here? And not only the ones already here, but their offspring who now call themselves "Canadian"?
One proposal I've made is to find incentives to send these immigrants and especially their "Canadian" children back to their original countries, either through monetary gifts, or by inter-governmental arrangements through employment centers and universities. And to make their stay in those countries permanent. In other words, once they accept these incentives, they cannot return back to Canada without a formal re-application for immigration. The acceptance of re-applying immigrants can be fine-tuned to reduce the re-acceptance level to a minimum, and preferably to zero.
The other strategy is to phase out and eventually remove "multiculturalism" in Canada, both legally and culturally. The Canadian documents which profess Canada to be a multicultural country should be revised, and state the Western, British nature of the country. All multicultural programs, whether on television or in other media institutions, schools, employment centers, and even business areas like shopping centers and restaurants, should be phased out. If a business wants to go "multicultural" as in a French restaurant wanting to be "French," then it is up to the business to make that happen, and not some special government fund.
This true Canadianness will either be accepted or rejected by these immigrants, and their descendants. I would say that the majority of non-whites will reject it. This unwelcoming environment will eventually become difficult for them. And with the combination of strategies provided above, they will start to leave on their own. Already, Chinese and Indian immigrant off-spring are "re-acquainting" themselves with their ancestral countries by traveling there for vists, and some are staying and re-establishing their lives there.
The alternative is that there will be a confrontation between immigrants (this is now a generic word I will use for all non-white immigrants - first, second, third, etc. generation) and whites. Immigrants will refuse the white, European and Western nature of Canada, and will fight to have it resemble their own conditions. Whites are now beginning to realize what they've lost, or are losing, and will begin to start to reclaim their land and culture, since especially after their decades-long acceptance of these others, all they are getting is epithets of "racist" and "prejudiced" by these same immigrants.
This may take some time, but with incremental changes, and a combination of all the strategies and scenarios above, it may be sooner than we think.