[Image from Daily Mail]
Cynthia Nixon (left) from the sitcom Sex and the City with
her lesbian "partner" at their "wedding" photo
The Daily Mail has an "article" titled Children of same-sex couples 'at higher risk of depression and social issues as adults' - but experts say new study is flawed.
The lesbophilic media, although it appears to denounce lesbianism and homosexuality (the Daily Mail title does add 'at higher risk of depression and social issues as adults' in quotation marks, of course quoting the study it cites, but also washing its hands off any direct commentary on the subject), ultimately sides with this deviant sexual behavior, and even promotes it in many small (and large) ways.
Part of the media's problem is that the ordinary people it caters to don't believe in mainstreaming homosexuality, but will be entertained by charming characters on TV and movies (and attractive couples in magazines).
Take the characters in Will and Grace, that sitcom which ran successfully for years, with several awards under its belt. The main character is a smart gay lawyer, whose "best friend" is a ditzy straight female, whom he protects and advices through her financial, career and love lives. Enter his real side-kick, the bumbling gay man who always screws everything up (no pun intended). There is also a glamorous, highly sexualized female "friend" of the stupid gay character (who will sleep with any male), who is full of charming superstitions, loves her gay friend dearly, and will save him from his forays into self-destruction. She even tries to help the straight Grace to dress and act more feminine, in order to attract real men (not GBFs).
Both straight women have mini-affairs with other women despite their strong insistence that they are straight. The gay men never have any sexual relations with women.
A show with gay men who have straight women friends (who occasionally sleep with other women) of course attracts the main demography that would watch shows like this: straight women who see nothing wrong with befriending gay men (and occasionally sleeping with other women?). Will and Grace simply glamorizes it.
So, TV shows, magazine spreads, famous homosexual couples appearing in all kinds of public venues, do influence ordinary women (it seems more women are influenced than men by this) to "experiment" with this kind of sexual behavior. Some even commit to life, once they've crossed that line.
The majority of ordinary (i.e. non-Hollywood) "out" lesbians I see, and even those I suspect are lesbians, never look glamorous and attractive, like "occasional" lesbians Karen and Grace, or those depicted on most movies. Once ordinary women decide to enter (with a slim chance of exit) this kind of "life style," the odds are that they will be living their lives in the peripheries, forever warding off the disapproval, and often rejection, of their friends, family and society. There is nothing glamorous about a real-life lesbian.
The media may have brought homosexuality into the "mainstream," but people still find (and I think will always find) this behavior abhorrent, however they may try to cover up their repulsion with superficial "tolerance" (i.e, in order not to get fired from their jobs, or have the various Human Rights Commissions make life hell for them, etc.).
Of course, with adoption and IVF birthing methods, "children" of these pairings are the most vulnerable in many ways. They have no developed intellect with which to discredit or reject the behavior, and they have direct emotional entanglements in the guise of "mothers" and "fathers."
Firstly, they are forced, against all nature, to accept these unions. Second, they miss out on mothers or fathers, whichever the union they have been stuck with has deprived them of. Third, they will grow up to be psychologically confused, forever in search of the mother or father of which they have been deprived. Fourth, they will blame these "parents" who forced them into these unnatural family roles. Fifth, the consequence of all this psychological trauma cannot really be predicted, except that we now have citizens of our countries who don't have a "straight" grasp of life, its meanings and its worth, and they have to make it up as they go along.
Do we want people like this around?