Jim Kalb's The Tyranny of Liberalism has a section titled Local Action, which is in the penultimate chapter Bringing It All Back Home. This chapter outlines how to remove liberalism from our societies and politics. Local Action deals with how individuals can participate, through seemingly small actions, which when multiplied contribute to the bigger battle.
Here are parts of Public Life (pp 269-70):
Complementary efforts must extend beyond local communities into politics and public life generally...
...In the public sphere, the single most necessary change is the disestablishment of liberalism. Constitutional adjudication, human-rights guarantees, and the conventions of public discussions must no longer impose the liberal position as the compulsory answer to all basic questions regarding social life. Concerns regarding goods other than equal freedom must be allowed to develop and take effect in accordance with their merits...
...Once the possibility of a more complex public good is accepted in principle, that good can be filled out be whatever social agreements grow up and establish themselves. Politics can become once again a matter of mutual persuasion regarding the good life and the measures that foster it. Traditionalist politics are mostly a matter of shared ultimate commitments and nonideological common sense. The goods that have always been thought relevant to public life include inherited loyalties and a right relationship among social order, inherited tradition, natural law, and the highest human goals. Traditionalists should insist that such concerns once again become part of public life.