Tuesday, March 09, 2010

A Middle-Aged Man Still Adrift on the Sea of Life

And what the simple cure is

Since I have posted comments at Mangan's blog, and have been quoted once at his blog, I think I have earned my right to make these observations about him.

Actually, my observations started a long time ago, when he admitted on his blog that:
[I] do not find a rational proof of God's existence of much use because it doesn't tell me how to live my life, find that the doctrines of the world's religions mutually conflict, and therefore remain adrift - I'm not ashamed to admit it - on the sea of life.
It was a shocking revelation, in the midst of thousands of words of commentary on that particular thread. I duly noted it as a strike against atheists, who appear for all purposes to be functioning, confident human beings, but whose inner thoughts are full of turmoil.

Another reason I bring this up is that this supposedly conservative blogger lists his interests in his blog profile as "Women Money Drink." This is from a man who admits that he is near retirement age. There's nothing wrong, essentially, with liking women, enjoying money and having those glasses of your favorite spirits, but it is odd that they are the ONLY three interests of a relatively mature male.

But then, Mangan is a great proponent of the "Alpha-Beta-and any other that may fall down the list" depiction of men (this link provides all the posts on alpha males at Mangan's blog). Primal alpha man, like his cousin the ape, rules the clan, including all those betas. Yet betas can learn to be alphas too, by participating what is called "Game," which was invented by someone called Roissy, who rose from beta to alpha status using "Game" techniques, and who isn't too stingy to share his methods. The idea behind "Game" is to get at all those females who scorn betas. Such betas get the females by acting alpha, i.e. by humiliating and degrading the females to desire the beta-now-alpha male, who dares to use such tactics. So, perhaps it is not so surprising that Mangan's interests lie at the level of an adolescent.

Often I think that people's deepest problems will be resolved, at least their psychological contradictions, if they would anchor their lives on something other than atheism. No one has to remain adrift forever.