Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Spike Lee's Mantra to the "youth":
"Change the World"

Spike Lee with his two-last-named mulatta wife
and the criminal race-baiter Al Sharpton

Just yesterday, I wrote about Helen Mirren's rejection of beauty (and embrace of ugliness):
Once again, Mirren has that "I'm such a nice person" expression, which camouflages a steely, liberal, determination to change the world order.
Spike Lee, the ultimate black liberal/racist, has co-written a children's book with his wife titled, Giant Steps to Change the World [the bold is my emphasis]. Here is a review:
Following the success of their much beloved picture books, Please, Baby, Please and Please, Puppy, Please; Academy Award nominated director Spike Lee, and his talented wife Tonya Lewis Lee offer up an inspirational picture book about activism and taking the big steps to set things right set to beautiful illustrations by the award-winning Sean Qualls. Using examples of people throughout history who have taken "giant steps", this book urges kids to follow in their footsteps and not be hindered by fear or a sense that you are not good enough. Despite the challenges, even the smallest step can change the world. So, what's your next step going to be?
I've noticed, just like Hitler's youth brigade, "youth" is a recurring and important category that liberals love to use, as though they are benign, protective adults. Instead, what they are doing is systematically, through schools and various media including children's books, building their army of fascist children, who are trained to be foaming at the mouth, and to destroy then rebuild society according to the gospel of their liberal/fascist parents.

On another, but very much related note, Lee makes his awful films basically denouncing whites wherever he can and writes children's books about black supremacy, yet he marries the whitest looking mulatta black woman he can find, with green eyes no less. I've looked all over the Internet to see what Lewis's racial background is, even for some indirect reference, like what I found about the actress Kelly MacDonald in No Country for Old Men, but to no avail. The liberal media, which includes most of what is on the Internet, hate to get into the nitty-gritty of race, since they are all about reconstruction of humanity anyway. I would venture to say that Lewis has a parent, or a close ancestor (like a grandparent) who is white.

This begs the question why Lee married an attractive, white-looking woman. What is wrong with the very dark Negro women that comprise the "black race" that Lee so tirelessly and vociferously portrays as sacrosanct examples?

I think the reason why Lee married Lewis is because she looks white, and is more attractive. "White" and "more attractive" are intertwined in the subconscious of his subjective aesthetics, as they are probably objectively true also. Like all liberal elites, he often doesn't want what he's advocating for his lowly black comrades, ready to throw them the crumbs of his failed ideologies. They can be authentic to the cause, he will be authentic to himself.

That is why I call the liberal world order a fascist order. Liberal elites will get what they want, including the cream of the crop, so to speak, and destroy (and rebuild) society according to their whims and desires. And their highest desire for the rest of the world is equality, but clearly not in their own lives. I don't think they are fully aware of this hypocrisy (or to be generous, this fallacy). Or more accurately, they wouldn't consider it hypocritical, with all the lies and deceits they have to go through to combine together all these warring elements.

Lee has named his daughter after black baseball player Satchel Paige. She is his eldest child, and I can deduce that he simply gave her the name he would have given a first-born boy. Immediate fulfillment of whims and desires, leading to hypocrisy, always creeps in unawares in the life of liberals. Lee could have waited for a son, which he eventually did have, to name after the baseball star. But since Lee is guided by a lofty sense of equality - for others, of course, not for him - his reasoning likely is that his daughter won't mind have a masculine name, since after all he's honoring her the way he would his (equally important) son. Yet a first born son continues to be coveted, even by equality trumpeting liberals like Lee, who wishes to magically transform his daughter into a son, at least in name.

Children like his daughter (and son) make up the audience that will be at the receiving end of Lee and his wife's book on "change". They are the future brigade that Lee and his wife (and their liberal entourage) believe (hope) they are creating. But eventually, someone will catch on, and reject it (and him) with fury, and it could well be his daughter who was ceremoniously named after the nickname of a black male athlete.