The blogger who posted the photos below (there are many more at his website) found a recurring theme of death in almost all the photos of the "protestors" at Occupy Denver, and especially cannibalism as in "eat the rich," illustrated with gory (hand-made) signs and t-shirts. He calls it "neo-cannibalism." Of course, "eat the rich" it is a riff off "tax the rich" but it is gruesome and violent nonetheless. The message is that the rich deserve far worse than merely having their money taken away. Eat them, and be done with them!
I've posted some of the photos which I think especially underline this cannibalism theme.
Here's a photo of an overweight (close to obese) couple. I wonder how they got that way?
No-one would run away from this sappy-faced, fanged cannibal, with his make-shift card board sign with all kinds of incoherent "signs," although the skull with the A is pretty obvious.
More like zombies than cannibals.
A nice looking couple. What happened to them? Leftism.
The sign reads: "One day the poor will have nothing to eat but the rich!" Why are they speaking for the poor? They don't look poor to me, just the usual chic poor leftists.
A Somali cab driver is perplexed. But, I don't believe him. Somalis, at least here in Canada, are the most aggressive beneficiaries of government handouts that take from the "rich" whites to give to the "poor" black immigrants.
The Mexican-looking man (El Comandante) may be doing all the talking, but the Aryan-looking man is watching closely.
But this is the most fascinating image, on many levels:
This "protestor" is (mis)quoting Genesis Chapter I, Verse I, the very beginning of our Bible, which says, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" to tell us of his Marxist beginning, which is really about destroying what is already there - the Götterdämmerung - to bring us his utopic world. A new world.
There is no "beginning" in the meaning of his sign, but destruction and end. The true pomposity of people like him becomes evident, when, like Hitler, they plan godlike to recreate a new world after having destroyed this one. Then they deign to create a new one. But out of what? Out of nothing? They won't even be there, if we follow the logic of their ideas (ideology).