Friday, November 25, 2011

Throwing Young Girls To The Wolves

Left: Kristen Stewart at the set of Snow White in 2011, with bloodied knuckles
[Notice the gloved hand which looks like it is ready to punch her.]
Right: Kristen promoting her film "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" in 2009

Oz Conservative (Mark Richardson) has posted on the recent Snow White movie. He writes:
The actress playing Snow White, Kristen Stewart, has been doing so many intense fight scenes that she was photographed with bloodied knuckles: [photo of Kristen Stewart with bloodied knuckles follows, which I've posted above]

Is this something to worry about? In the sense that it's another example of a trend in modern society, I think that it is. Things go wrong when people don't identify wholly with their own sex. If you are in any way set against yourself as a man or a woman, then it becomes difficult to express yourself adequately in relationships with the opposite sex.

What does the recasting of Snow White suggest to girls? It suggests that to be the heroine you now have to mix a considerable amount of the masculine in with the feminine. It suggests that the feminine by itself is inadequate or inferior.
I suspect he's right. Although I think it is cultural elites such as filmmakers who are driving young women (and men) into these unconventional sex roles. I think their purpose is insidious, where they design these confused (not quite reversed) roles, in order to destroy the society which they hate so much and to bring on their version of utopia on earth.

When I saw the photo, I just felt immense sadness for the girl, and the same level of anger at this wolf pack of filmmakers. A young girl is driven to "act" until she's physically maimed (I wonder how her hands and knuckles will fare after this, or if she will have some kind of permanent injury ). A young man would have to go through considerably more physical altercations before he gets bloodied like that, and if he does, is able to brush it off (and heal) much sooner than a girl.

A society that doesn't protect its women, and even worse, drives them to forfeit all their feminine delicacy (yes, Kristen looks delicate and vulnerable to me) is truly an evil society. If it can send its young girls into the lion's den, then it is truly capable of any kind of atrocity.

Here are my posts at Camara Lucida on the hypocritical, society-destroying liberal elites:
- Spike Lee's Mantra to the "youth": "Change the World"
- "Youth, Change the World!"
- "A horrifying lack of justice"
- How Liberals Start Young