Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Christmas Songs by Frank Sinatra

A $5:00(CAN) Christmas CD by the inimitable Frank Sinatra is more than a bargain. Yes, Christmas is being downgraded (why buy classic Christmas songs, and music by a legendary singer, when rap, hip-hop, and all the rest are around, all year round?). But that only means we should celebrate Christmas more. Listening to a bargain Christmas CD doesn't diminish the music.

This CD, Christmas Songs by Frank Sinatra, was released as a record in 1948 and has an introduction by General Reynolds, Chief of Special Services. What current General would lend his voice to a popular musician's CD, who might deign to release a Christmas album? We might get an insipid "holiday greetings" if anything at all, to music that is full of, well, holiday greetings. Sinatra's Christmas album is interspersed with his own Christmas wishes.

Here are transcripts from the CD:

General Russell Burton Reynolds, Major General of the United States Army, delivers his short message:
This is General Reynolds, Chief of Special Services. I am bringing you the Season's Greetings for the sixth Christmas since V-Discs [V for Victory] began coming to you through the cooperation of artists and musicians who have given freely of their time and talents. It is our desire to promote the well-being of mankind throughout the world. With these records, here are my very best wishes for a pleasant Christmas season wherever you are. And this Christmas, here is Frank Sinatra.
General Reynolds's grave, serious voice is contrasted with Frank Sinatra's:
Thank you General Reynolds, and hi there gang. It's time for me to hitch another ride around the world, and a V-Disc, and as usual it's a big thrill, especially with December 25th coming up. At Christmas, we should all count our blessings, and high among mine I count this opportunity to send you a heart-felt Merry Christmas, and to sing you these Christmas Carols.
With our bland "Season's Greetings" and "Holiday Songs" it is refreshing to hear the world Christmas being used so uninhibitedly.

Here is an Amazon.com MP3 download of the album. Track 11 has a brief excerpt of General Reynolds's introduction, with Sinatra's full message.

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas, Frank Sinatra