Thursday, December 27, 2012

Deport Piers Morgan,
Despite His Kid Glove Handling of Barbra Streisand

I watched Piers Morgan's show on CNN last night since he had on the formidable Barbra Streisand. This British immigrant to America was no match for for this great American, and he knew it, since he toned down his usual nasty questioning method with her. He still got back some from this legendary Jewish woman, who is sadly using her great energy to support Obama for president.

What is it with these British immigrants? Look at that awful Simon Cowell of American Idol, where irate contestants tell him to "go back to England" - in one hilarious episode, a contestant told him to "go back to France," which under normal eras would have been appropriate, since opportunistic Englishmen wouldn't have been so openly un-American.

Barbra Streisand's legendary status is well-earned. We got a glimpse of her formidable voice during the interview, as well as her formidable (Jewish) personality.

There is a movement to deport Morgan for his:
“hostile attack against the US Constitution” by targeting the Second Amendment.
I agree. And why not Simon Cowell while we're at it?

Don't Rain on My Parade