Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Flinging Dirt at Beauty

Crew's Jenna Lyons (left) and Courtney Crangi

That's what J. Crew's president and artistic director Jenna Lyons, 1/2 of a "lesbian chic" couple, is doing.

Below is what the Daily Mail reports on her interview about her debut presentation at New York Fashion Week:
Speaking during her label's debut presentation at New York Fashion Week in September, she described how important it was to have a degree of imperfection in an outfit.

She told PopSugar TV: 'I think to me there's always got to be something that sort of turns it off - meaning, if everything's shiny, there has to be something that feels a little casual, or something has to be a little messy.

'Things can't always be perfect, not everything can be buttoned, you know, there's got to be something that turns it on its head.'
Well if one hates beauty (which I think really means one fears beauty, and hence God) then everything has to be smeared with the non-beautiful, the ugly, the tainted, in order not to have Beauty (and God) be privy to our rebellion against him, and to cover (can we really do that?) the eyes that would judge us, for eternity.

This is why I think that even the most belligerent of non-believers actually believe, at least in their judgment day. Lyons flings dirt at beauty (and at God). If beauty were not so powerful, why not let it stay, and have its place in her surroundings? What personification did she have to conjure up in order to throw this dirt at it?

Looking at her sorry examples of "something that turns [Beauty] on its head," I can only say: Really? A dirty jean jacket with a polyester skirt and plastic shoes? Can't she even come up with Rei Kawakubo's* designer level ugliness, and thus earn the label anti-fashion (anti-Christ) designer, instead of carefully messing around with "a little messy"?

*Camera Lucida post mentioning Rei Kawakubo