Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Those conservatives are the death of her

Kathy Shaidle [Source: Enormous Thriving Plants]

Too bad this blogger is skewed so left, because she's funny. This reminds me that many Saturday Night Live skits were created by Canadian lefties, who put a humorous slant to their anti-Americanism, thereby making people laugh instead of hunt them down with those guns.

But, a funny (far)left-wing humorous Canadian's life is short-lived as Audrey II shows, since she now prefers to be tweetering on twitter, rather than blogging her lonely heart out.

Her blog started off full-steam with Ezra Levant lambasts. It ended about 31/2 years later with Michele Bachmann. Those conservatives are the death of her.

She's way funnier than the F3 blogger, who somehow got a footing into the internet netherworld with what I presume she takes to be (political) humor. I think people just like her crassness. A-II has linked to her here as the "unabashed, ham-fisted defen[der] of racism." Other "ham-fisted" Canadian conservative bloggers are scattered around her posts. Here's one, albeit a little more moderate. And here's an extra "ham-fisted" one, although that could be a prairies thing.

I suppose the blog's title is some kind of wishful thinking/humor, where A-II imagines her links spreading around the internet like enormous thriving plants. But, sadly, her blog doesn't make it past Michele Bachmann. Those conservatives are the death of her.